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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ugh...the "E" word!


Brandon started running almost 2 miles to prepare himself for upcoming Middle School Football. Michael decided to join him (he usually jogs on the treadmill and out of everyone is the one who exercises on a regular basis.) Then Kaila started walking the 2 miles with them!

So that left me to decide if I was going to (ugh) EXERCISE. I'm not really a big fan of it. You get all sweaty, your sore for a few days, it's hot outside and I could go on.

But as everyone was out running, I was watching a tv show and they were talking about what you eat and how your heart rate beats really fast (because it's struggling.) They said exercise helps this and that, blah, blah, that's what got me up and going on the treadmill. I started out with 1.31 miles the first time. It's my first week at it. I've been on the treadmill 4 times this week with a total of 5 miles. I hope I can keep it up as I know it's good for me, even if it sucks at the time!
Now if I could just give up my Coca-Cola habit.

1 comment:

Heather said...

one thing at a time Mika!!! Don't get carried away now and talking about the kicking the coke habit! haha!